Sad day for Democrats
Well, I knew this had been an angry and divisive election, but I didn’t realize how bad it was. Laura’s class was talking about the election just before Kerry’s concession speech, and she said something about how she wished Kerry had won. A few minutes later, while they were listening to the speech, a boy in her class passed her a note that said “I would go to Hell before I voted for John Kerry.” Not the most appropriate comment for a fourth grader, and not exactly in the spirit of the democratic process. I suppose I should at least be grateful he didn't tell her she’d be going to Hell. Not much to be grateful for. Ms. H sent the little boy to the Recovery Room (alas, not really where they send budding Republicans, but the next step down from the principal's office).
My little Democrat is not the best speller. I am pretty sure this is not a general curse of the party, but rather an affliction that crosses party lines (although she seems to have an unusually bad case of it). The very small wording in the bottom right hand corner reads "But he didn't win."
Laura wants to add a note here: I regret having to write that. But I wrote it any way in case nobody knew yet. As you saw in my picture, I am a big Kerry fan. That is why I regret writing it. And Carolyn, if you're reading this, it was funny about the blue dot party. I wish I could have been there.

My little Democrat is not the best speller. I am pretty sure this is not a general curse of the party, but rather an affliction that crosses party lines (although she seems to have an unusually bad case of it). The very small wording in the bottom right hand corner reads "But he didn't win."
Laura wants to add a note here: I regret having to write that. But I wrote it any way in case nobody knew yet. As you saw in my picture, I am a big Kerry fan. That is why I regret writing it. And Carolyn, if you're reading this, it was funny about the blue dot party. I wish I could have been there.
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