
Skipping church

Oh, I should also have mentioned—a follow-up to the religion question recently. After the sleepover, Kristen had to leave early this morning for church (but Adeleigh is still here! Almost twenty-four hours! Doesn’t her mom ever miss her???). I got the distinct impression last night that Kristen’s mom had a little talk with her about alternate attitudes about religion recently, since she has suddenly stopped calling Laura every single Sunday to invite her to church. And I mean it. Every. Single. Sunday.

Chris picked up Kristen while I was getting Will packed up and ready for the movies, so since I hadn’t talked to her mom, when I saw her later, I asked Kristen what time her mom was picking her up. 10:30, so she could get to the late service at 11:00. Well, Laura didn’t quite hear what she said and asked her to repeat what kind of service. Kristen said, “You know, late service. There’s an early one at 9:00, and one at 11:00 for people who like to sleep late, and then some people don’t have to go at all.” Thank God from the people who finally get to not go at all without being called at 8:00 Sunday morning to get invited anyway.