
Overnight field trip

I’ve been on a grading/meeting/assignment writing marathon all week and haven’t had much time to write, and tomorrow won’t be any better, but I have to make a quick note here that I am all sad because my big girl is going on her first overnight field trip. It’s just to Charleston, so it’s not like New York or anything, but dang, we hardly send this girl off to see her grandparents, much less a two-day field trip. I’m saddest because I have a meeting Friday that has been on my calendar all year and that I couldn’t miss, so I don’t get to be a chaperone. I guess she’s going to grow up one day, and this probably isn’t it, but still. . .


Quotes from two books I’ve been reading

These interest me for various reasons, none of which I have time to write about now. I’m off to work to grade papers today.

[W]ork—how we make things of and do things to the external world—is nearly as basic, and primeval, a factor in human happiness as family relations. The inability to write reflects the sufferer’s feeling that he or she cannot contribute to the world, cannot communicate with others in any meaningful way. (6)
Alice W. Flaherty, The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writer’s Block, and the Creative Brain (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004)

It turns out that problems such as procrastination are usually better treated by putting the writer in the appropriate limbic or motivational state than by cognitive strategies such as making To Do lists. Most procrastinators are very aware of exactly what they are not doing. (Flaherty 16)

When I use the term feminine soul, I’m referring to a woman’s inner repository of the Divine Feminine, her deep source, her natural instinct, guiding wisdom, and power. It is everything that keeps a woman powerful and grounded in herself, complete in herself, belonging to herself, and yet connected to all that is. Connection with this inner reality is a woman’s most priceless experience. (20)
Sue Monk Kidd, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman’s Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1996)


Last diapers?

I may have bought William’s last package of diapers last Saturday. He’s been asking to go to the potty by himself often, even at times when we (lazy bad parents) have him in a diaper so we don’t have to keep track of him, like when we’re out to dinner. So we’ve had to reform and support him in his decision to be diaper-free. Now we’re down to one diaper at nap and one at bedtime, and since he’s woken up dry the past two mornings, we might lose those pretty soon too. He’ll be three next week, so I guess it’s plenty of time.

The only problem is having to be so conscious of when he last went—I guess we had the diaper routine down so thoroughly that we didn’t even really have to think about when he’d last been changed—we just took care of it. I guess remembering about his potty schedule will get second nature like that soon, and before much longer he’ll be in charge of that by himself anyhow.

I bought 60 size 5 Pampers for $16.97 at the Wal-Mart in Georgetown, SC, where we went for the Easter weekend. Let that be the last and most momentous purchase of diapers.

And another rejection

This is the really depressing part about sending out a lot of work. A lot of it just comes back rejected. I feel as if I shouldn’t complain, because I actually am having work accepted fairly often in the middle of all these rejections, but still, my goodness, how much rejection can one woman take?


Sounds I Would Put in a Probe

Laura had to write another essay for school this week. While this one isn’t quite as fabulous as No Happy Business Day, I enjoyed it nevertheless.

Sounds I Would Put in a Probe

You would probably would think sending sounds from Earth into outer space would be crazy, but you’re wrong. It’s very important that we send sounds into outer space in case there are other species. In case you were wondering what a probe is, a probe is a machine that astronauts send into space to see if there is any more human life and if there are more planets.

But let’s get down to the sounds we send out on probes. If I were to send out a probe, I would send out one with a dog barking. A dog barking sounds like a saw going back and forth on a tree. Now some people would say why would you put a dog barking in it? I would say so they will know there are more than humans here. I would also include a baby crying and an adult talking so that they would know that the baby crying is one of our younger stages of life. I would say this because they would know that we were not born adults. I would also put in the sounds of birds chirping to show that we have music. Birds sound like the sweet blossoming of spring. I would also include water rushing, just in case they are from Mars so they know that we don’t have dry land like them. Water is important to us because it is what helps us live. My favorite sound to put on a probe would be a cat meowing because my cat will just sit on my lap for hours and purr. I would include a cat purring so the aliens can understand that dogs are not the only living things on Earth apart from humans. That’s what I would include in my probe.

Astronauts really do send out probes with sounds on them, but these are some new sounds that I thought of. If you ever get a chance, why don’t you figure out what you would put on a probe?

An acceptance, a publication, and a rejection

Wonder why the rejections are always so much more powerful than acceptances? Maybe it’s that I haven’t yet had an acceptance that I consider unqualified—the journal could be better (obviously, if it includes my work, said the eternally self-depreciating woman), or it was an online journal and so not as prestigious as a print publication (in theory, although I actually don’t believe that). Or I knew somebody at the journal and maybe that influenced the acceptance. Or whatever. I have my chapbook out at a couple of contests and I keep thinking maybe that acceptance would be it—I would be an official poet then! I could get the Official Poet Stamp at the next reading I goto! Or, again, whatever. Apparently I’m in the mood for a label of some kind right now.

I got an acceptance last week—a pretty good regional journal—for an interesting poem. That same day I got my two copies of another journal I’d had a poem accepted in; I read my poem and didn’t like it. Then I read the other poems in the journal and didn’t like them either. Certainly publishing poems in a journal by itself doesn’t make you a poet.

And today I got another rejection, this time for a set of poems the journal had been holding since last August—seven months they held my poems. Conventional wisdom holds that the longer they have your poems, the better the chances they’re considering them seriously, but that certainly hasn’t been my experience. Seems like there are a bunch of journal editors out there with other stuff to do besides look at the submissions—and I can certainly understand that. But there comes a point where it’s just a common courtesy. . . .

Anyhow, I am still waiting for one of the Muses or some other Great Poetry Goddess to come wave a magic wand over my head and declare me official. Maybe that’s the advantage of the MFA, which I don’t have—you’re credentialed. I guess I’ll have to keep writing my own credentials.


After the great scholar days

I gave my big talk last Friday, and it went extremely well, I think, although unfortunately it was videotaped so I’ll have plenty of time to go back and revise my opinion on the successfulness of the presentation. Hopefully I can really exercise my willpower and just not watch it. Since then I’ve been running around like a maniac trying to catch up on grading and laundry and shopping for the Easter bunny (who I wish would handle that himself). Will’s birthday is coming up soon, too, so I’ve finally got those plans made. But it was very complicated, and perhaps indicative of our weird life, so here goes.

Laura is getting an award for a Woodsy Owl poster she designed for the Garden Club at the zoo on April 2 (this is her second year winning this contest!—my budding artist!). I thought since we’d already be at the zoo, which Will loves, it made sense to do his party there—Laura’ll be done around 12:30 anyhow, and both Chris and I have family in town who could easily get to his party that way. It’s a pain for people out of town, but only Chris’s mom is coming from out of town anyhow, given the schedules, so I guess it’s not a huge problem.

We’re just going to have cake and ice cream in the zoo’s picnic area. I am a tee total bum, but I told everybody if you want to pack a picnic lunch, that’s fine, so I’m not cooking, and the best part is that I don’t have to clean house! I’ll go with Laura and her class to the zoo at the crack of dawn; Chris can drive down later with Will, who can sleep on the way; I ordered the cake after my presentation out of town there—I can pick it up the day before, when I’m there for a meeting, drop it off at my brother’s house, and my sister-in-law will bring it to the party when she comes the next day. So we have people coming from three cities, bakery orders from out of town that will probably never make it back to our house at all, and essentially a major logistical enterprise. Let’s see. The only thing I’ve left out so far is the absentee ballot I had to arrange for myself so I could vote in the school bond referendum that Saturday, since we won’t be home til the polls close (Chris can vote before he leaves home since he and Will will leave later). I wish I was one of those supermoms who sculpt bunny cakes or whatever, but I swear, I’m doing good just to have the party at all.

And finally, thank God, I found the Incredibles masks Will has his heart set on for party favors (even though we’re having Buzz Lightyear cake since none of the bakeries can do Incredibles yet). Well, remind me to tell you about how I’m reinforcing the all-boy boy stereotypes with Will’s presents later—at least today before work I was able to find him four shirts with no sports logos on them. He will be the stripiest boy in town.


Another thing William said . . .

. . . when called to dinner: “I can’t come right now, I’m busy.” Hm, this sounds disturbingly familiar.


Sea turtles and parenting

My Laura girl had another essay due. It’s so odd that she’d finish it today, when I’m putting the polishing touches on my presentation about parenting and breastfeeding. All about the differences between our lives and sea turtles. I’ve chosen to interpret this essay as a tribute to my fine parenting. But I had a moment of just real amazement when I was helping Laura look it over one more time and she mentioned how newborn babies eat soft food during their first year. I asked Laura, “honey, else do new babies eat?” “Smushed up grapes? crackers?” She offered up a couple of other suggestions before I asked if she didn’t remember how I fed Will? “Mom,” she groans at me, “that was two years ago.” Finally she remembered milk—but still didn’t mention nursing. We revised that sentence—I wonder if she’s already forgotten it? I had to finish my work and so did she, so I didn’t pursue it then, but I have it on my list of things to do.

Sea Turtles’ Lives Compared to Mine

Sea turtles and humans are not all the same. Sea turtles {babies} use caruncle {temporary egg tooth} to help open the shell. Humans don’t have teeth when they’re born. Sea turtles are born in eggs. Humans are not. Sea turtles don’t take care of their kids. My parents do take care of me! Baby sea turtles use the moon to get to the sea. We use nothing. We don’t even go to sea when we’re born. We can’t even walk yet!

There are different ways that humans and sea turtles are born. Sea turtles hatch all throughout the year, but mostly in the summer. And we are just born regularly all throughout the year. I was born in the winter. My brother was born in the spring. It takes longer for humans to be born to be born than sea turtles. For instance it takes us about 279 days to be born. It takes sea turtles 45 to 70 days!

Humans and sea turtles do different things during the first year of their lives. During the first year, sea turtles are rarely seen. This is called “Lost Year.” Humans however are free to be seen all year round. In the first year, sea turtles are without parents {and they always will be} and are eating plants. We are with parents and are eating soft food and drinking milk.

After the sea turtle’s first year they will return to the same beach where they were born, to lay their own eggs in a few months. We however stick with our parents until we’re about 18 then we go into the world and have our own babies live if you’re females, and we keep them with us. I would rather be a human because if I were a sea turtle, I wouldn’t have my mother!


Disguised as rejection

I got another acceptance for a poem today! And the best thing about it was I was sure the letter was a rejection. Rejections are always fat envelopes, all your poems stuffed back inside on their way home (with the little quarter sheet rejection note). And they always use your self-addressed stamped envelope. A number of my acceptances have also used the SASE, but they’ve all been really skinny—just the one page saying they want this or that poem. I took that envelope out of my box today and just groaned, because it was a journal I thought I’d had a good shot at publishing in. And it turns out I did! Made my day.


Update on the tickle monster

We had to put the tickling off after we had a dirtdevil in the back yard and Will got about a pound of dirt in his eye. Surprisingly, he did not appreciate me cleaning his eye out, and we had to have a giant nap to recover from it. Lord knows what Laura was doing all that time. We’ll see if I ever recover enough from sleeping for hours and hours in the middle of the day to be the tickle monster again. I don’t feel very fast right now. More alligator like sluggishness... Maybe food would help! We’re going to have cheese toast for dinner! If I were a single mom, probably all we’d eat would be cheese toast and I would be arrested eventually for child abuse. But at least Will does have clean clothes by now.

Spring break—sort of

A friend emailed me to see if we had any actual holiday time over my spring break, and I guess I got so preoccupied with everything else when we got back in town, that I forgot to mention our weekend trip to Georgetown. It was just beautiful there—perfect weather. We stayed with Matt and Shari at their house, which is very comfortable (although we clutter it up terribly—I expect they can’t wait for us to leave). Chris took Will kayaking and I took Laura out in the canoe, which was fun until she got mad at me for trying to show her how to paddle so she’d get less wet. I guess this must be how it was with me and Mama when she was trying to teach me to drive—her perfectly calm reasonable voice basically made me want to choke her—which is how Laura seemed to feel. I’ll have to think about that some more later.

We worked on a puzzle and ate shrimp and steak and took a walk along the creek and then another at the beach. We went shopping and I spent too much money on a beautiful piece of folk art I’ve been wanting for a year. Another fish. Isn’t it interesting how I hated fishing and never (unsurprisingly) got invited to fish and now I write poems about fish and collect fish folk art? Another thing to think more about later.

Today’s a day off as well. I’d planned to finish my presentation today (I’d hoped), but I forgot that Laura has the day off from school, so maybe it’s an enforced break, but so far it’s fun. We’ve spent most of the morning just hanging out in our pajamas. I actually didn’t take Will to daycare this morning either because I still haven’t caught up on laundry yet from last weekend so he has no clean clothes. And there doesn’t seem to be any point taking him in when Laura and I are off—neither one of us are in the mood for a big girls’ day out. So I’m washing Will’s stuff now—Chris is off at the beach for a meeting (and then kayaking afterwards). I thought about taking the kids to the zoo, but according to Laura, the most fun thing we’ve done the past month has been the thirty minutes I chased the kids around the house tickling them, and that seems a lot less stressful in terms of travel time, so that’s on the agenda for later today. :)

I guess I’ll try to go back into work maybe Sunday morning to finish up the talk—I’m pretty close to done. But I’ve got charts! Wow! For an English person! I made some up myself and took screen shots of others, and I feel very impressive . . . now if I can just figure out the last few minutes—I’m having lots of trouble with my conclusion. I feel like I should offer solutions, but that’s so far removed from my discipline’s approach to research, I hardly know what to think. We just point out our insightful observations, you know? Not all that practical.

In the next couple of days, I also have to decide whether to score SAT essays. I applied in the fall to do it when I was feeling really money-poor, and now that it’s time to actually decide, I’m having tons of trouble. I don’t want to read a million bad essays—but I can make close to $500 for about 25-30 hours of grading. That’s just for one grading period. Think of the big payment I could make then on my bills! Or how many fabulous folk art fish I could buy! The temptation of filthy lucre. Versus the promise of awful essays. Hmm.

Well, as Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day. Right now I’m going to take a really really hot shower while Laura and Will play outside. It’s sort of awful how very wonderful that sounds.


Literary crisis

I just got home a little while ago from the student literary magazine meeting. It’s an odd deal, a multi-district magazine that includes I think maybe as many as ten different school districts in this area—and all the schools within those. So the competition to get into the magazine is pretty stiff, since it includes all grade levels at loads of schools.

There’s also this notion that the magazine publishes the best work, but . . . if a school doesn’t have representation otherwise, the committee members can choose a work that’s not as strong so that somebody from that school is published. In other words, at least one entry is published for every school’s submissions. In some cases, only two or three kids any given school are submitting work—so one of those is guaranteed to get in, regardless of the quality of the work. In fairness, I will say that I didn’t see anything truly awful included in the magazine today during the final sorting/initial proofreading—weaker than the rest, yes, but nothing terrible.

Other schools, however, might have had many children submitting, several of whose work was ranked the highest. And, well, we can’t publish everybody because then the magazine gets too expensive and too long, so some of the work that’s been ranked highest is cut, while other work that’s been ranked lower is included. All this makes perfect sense, and fundamentally I have no quarrel with it, although obviously it’s not ideal.

But (you just knew that was coming, didn’t you?) . . . this whole setup is pretty weird for me. I got on this committee rather by accident, since they needed a member from the sponsoring university and I happen to teach English and write poetry. Nothing odd there: I’m enjoying the reading; am contributing to the process pretty helpfully, I think; and this is a great community service opportunity for me. The awkward thing is that my daughter submitted a work to the magazine this year.

I have been operating under the assumption that I should just keep my mouth shut about her poem. At the end of each meeting, I would sneak quietly over to the O. Elementary pile to see if her work had made the cut again, and yep, every time it has. She had the highest rankings across the board—and I never pointed out the fact that this budding brilliant writer was my own sweet girl. Most people on the committee don’t even know each other, much less me, so her poem was chosen on its own merits. I felt odd about it because my name’ll be on the editorial board listing—there’s always this question about whether I somehow was responsible for her work being selected.

Her work was sent off to the typesetter, but apparently there were too many entries for that page—and her poem was cut at the last minute (literally after I left at the end of the last meeting!). I wouldn’t have normally said anything about it; I hadn’t told Laura that the poem had been selected because it didn’t seem fair that she should have advance knowledge when not of the other kids did. So her feelings wouldn’t have been hurt. But I swear, they were including all this work with lower rankings, and it was really just bugging me fierce.

We’re working along, and somebody finds a student who has had two works chosen. But you can only have one published, and somehow this had slipped by in the earlier meetings. The elementary group leader cut out one of the poems out and said, “What are we going to put in its place?”

Well, I ask you, what would you have done? I did say, “Listen, this is my kid, and I’m biased, but if you need something for this spot, here’s this beautiful poem that’s gotten all high scores. . .” I was upfront about it. The other readers who had chosen it all chimed in, yes, yes, it should definitely be included—and so it was. But I feel terrible!

I’ve been struggling with this feeling a lot lately. I’m very involved in Laura’s school—on the School Improvement Council, used to be on PTO, always coming for after-school stuff, and I’ve been on at least one big field trip with her class every year. I used to tutor kids there too before I got so busy. So many of the teachers know me, and all the administrative staff do. Laura doesn’t exactly get preferential treatment, but I know that the fact they all know me influences how they deal with her. I stay out of things directly involving her anytime I’m there in a non-parent capacity—and maybe that’s the issue. When do you speak as a parent, and when as the School Improvement Council member? Because sometimes you have to separate those things: what’s in your own child’s best interest is not always in the interest of the school.

I think that’s why I finally did speak up for her poem today: it really was much better than some of the other work that was being included—and I am speaking as a publishing poet here, thanks, and as a mother who wouldn’t let Laura send in any of her poems that weren’t very strong. Maybe I’m stewing over now because I don’t want Laura to feel she didn’t earn her place in the magazine. I think she’s still young enough to be happy her poem was included regardless of the fact that I influenced that selection—it’s not as if the poem wasn’t good and hadn’t already been chosen in the first place. The magazine will certainly not suffer from the inclusion of her work—and aside from that, my heart was broken. How she’ll feel about this later, I don’t know. Did I do the right thing? Or should I have stayed quiet? I guess I need some worry beads to stew over a bit.

What Will said this morning

We’re on our way out the door. Will has an exciting day planned with Ms. Amanda. After dropping him off most days this week, I’m beginning to think he doesn’t like Ms. Amber much—he’s certainly much happier when Ms. Amanda is there in the mornings. Thank God that’s most of the time. I am going to spend the morning proofreading a multi-district literary magazine; I hope it won’t take all afternoon too. Last time we finished right after lunch, and I really hope that happens this time too, because I didn’t realize Laura has tomorrow off from school, which puts a big crimp in my plans to finish my paper Friday (I had to jettison original plans to finish today Tuesday, when the snail like pace of my writing presented the sad reality to me that I would spend EVERY day of my spring break finishing my presentation). Anyhow, that’s all aside from the point.

While I was “making my hair hot” as William likes to call what happens when I use my flat iron, Will was having his customary drink of water. He likes to stand on the toilet lid and get water in one of those little Pooh Dixie cups we keep in the bathroom—he can reach the faucet now—so every morning I do my hair and Will has a drink. This morning he finished his water and announced, “I am getting bigger now!”

“Really! Are you going to grow up one day?”

“Yes, and when I grow up, I’m going to—what’s that place?” he asked? I thought he was talking about Laura’s school, since we had a discussion the other day about how when he grows up he’ll go to O. Elementary. But no, that wasn’t it. “Where grown ups go to school,” he clarified.


”Yes, when I grow up, I’m going to college, and I’m going to take my light saber.”

I love it. I can hear him now, groaning “MOM,” when I tell this story in fifteen years when he really does go off to college. A perfect moment.


Great scholar hat

I’m wearing my great scholar hat all this week. I won a big research grant last year (well, big for the humanities: $5000!) and am presenting my results at a conference next week. I have this terrible tendency when doing research of making my project larger and larger, which is what I’ve done with this. So while I have lots of research already done and significant sections of the project written (much more than I thought!), I’m also wondering if I will EVER finish it. The good news is I have a deadline, which always helps, doesn’t it?

I’ve mostly finished my powerpoint presentation now, so I’m writing an outline today—I know that sounds backwards, but when I do presentations on my work in gender and culture, I usually start with the images. I had a rough presentation outline already, of course, but now I’m filling it in: what exactly do I need to say about class and internet usage? how much should I talk about how women use the internet for medical purposes initially, and become more gradually introduced to other elements of digital culture? which quotes from the critics do I need to use? It doesn’t help that this presentation is a half hour long—which isn’t nearly enough time, but because it’s so much longer than I normally get at conferences (15-20 minutes), it’s hard to judge how to make the talk broad enough in scope without overwhelming everybody with detail.

I was expressing my preconference anxiety to my good friend the biologist at lunch yesterday, who was horrified when he asked me what our presentations are generally like. In humanities, most people write ten pages and then read them. Not the most thrilling presentation method, and not one I’m using—I always feel very daring when using powerpoint (and it really is daring, because who knows if everything will work as it should). But I am still trying to decide if I should just speak from my outline or if I should read more. I could always talk my way through the transitions and read the longer sections of analysis… hmm.

Well, as thrilling as this description of writing-in-process must be, I suppose I should stop taking a break and get back to writing itself. Although first I have a load of laundry to fold up. I wonder how many people wearing their great scholar hats are stopping to wash clothes today?


The poet's party

The poetry reading was very good last night; the reader did a great job and there was a pretty good sized crowd. Although I got pretty tickled at the end of the evening—there were lots of students, and I initially thought what an active group of students W University had, until I realized that a student docent in the back of the room was scanning people’s id cards. They have a cultural events requirement so many of the students were there for to fulfill that requirement. At the end of the reading most of the students lined up and got their ids scanned on the way out (apparently they expect you to stay for the entire event!), and then about ten people were left standing around to buy books and speak to the poet.

I’d already bought my book ahead of time, so I just lurked around while everybody talked and the poet signed copies of her work. They all seemed to know each other, and I just felt more comfortable waiting my turn without trying to chat up anybody else. But as I was speaking to the reader, the local poet came up and overheard us talking, and invited me to a party they were having after the reading! Who’d have thought?

I enjoyed myself very much. It’s been a long time since I talked to new people interested in the same things I am—certainly not in my home town. The poet and I talked about hot flashes on the porch when it got a little too crowded in the kitchen, and the visiting poet and I talked about the nature of class and politics in Irish women’s poetry compared to American women’s writing. It was really just lovely.


Going to the big city

And guess what! I’m going to Las Vegas! I had an email this morning not only saying it was OK to send the proposal but that my paper had been accepted! I am so excited! I don’t think I could be more of a nerd and live today.

Puzzles in the morning

I don’t usually drop Will off at daycare—he gets all clingy and sad about his mommy leaving, and since he started daycare so much younger than Laura, I couldn’t take it, frankly, when he was a baby, and it’s a habit now. Chris has almost always done the drop off, and then I pick him up: a much happier time, let me tell you. You get the big yelled “Mommy!” greeting, hugs, and stories about all the little things that happened that day (the farther away from school the kids get, the less they seem to remember about what happened there).

I’m on spring break this week, though, so to give Chris a little more time at school in the mornings, I’m taking Will in. Predictably, he was happy as a bug until we actually got in the classroom, when he started crying and wouldn’t let me put him down. Fortunately I was able to divert him with a new alligator puzzle and got my goodbye kiss and hug shortly afterwards without any dire consequences.

They’ve started this new thing at school: tag names. All the kids have their names written on a little animal shaped piece of laminated construction paper with a slip of Velcro on the back. Then when one wants to play in the block area, she takes her tag name and sticks on it on the block section. I think they’re trying to limit the number of kids playing in any given area at a time this way, but it seems more like a socialization exercise: training them for their cubicles later in life. How to follow rules. I left Will in Manipulatives this morning (meaning puzzles and other stuff you have to manipulate, one hopes). Now here I am at work with my own version of manipulatives: the keyboard.


Dreams and poetic fame

I have been so preoccupied with my poems the past two weeks. I’ve written a couple of new ones, which is unusual for this semester so far—I’ve barely had time to read one lately, much less write anything. Maybe this is my one effort to preserve something of my work life that’s not just routine go to class / go to meetings / grade papers—which is about all I’ve had time for lately.

I have two sets of poems out that I sent out last July—way past time to have heard anything from them. I emailed both the editors in the past couple of weeks querying about the status of the submission, but haven’t heard from either yet. I dreamed last night that I checked my email (this is how sick my life has become) and I had a response back from one of the editors saying, of course we’re going to take your poems, the work of an established poet such as yourself! I about literally woke up laughing—which fortunately I didn’t because sometime during the night William had gotten up and got into bed with me and Chris, so he was restlessly playing with my hair and I am sure would’ve woken up again in a second. This morning Chris said he was sure I got up in the middle of the night to check my email—I hope I’m not sleep emailing now.

But it would be fun to be a famous poet. Why not be somebody rich and famous, I’ve been asked by my dear husband, when I expressed this sentiment? Wealth would be great, I agree, although we’re clearly too far behind to make that happen. But I am pretty sure I’d never want to be really famous: too high maintenance. Famous poets wouldn’t be recognized at airports or grocery stores—and rarely on university campuses. Famous poets would rarely be stalked. Worst case scenario in being a famous poet (I imagine) would be having to read lots and lots of bad poetry written by those who want you to connect them up with a publisher. Although I imagine second book anxiety must be pretty high if you become famous from your first book… Best case is being brought into campus somewhere to read poetry and visit a class and be feted at a lovely local restaurant—on top of having people actually read and respond to your work.

I guess that’s the crux of the matter for me right now—I feel so isolated writing with very few people reading my work. When I have something new and wonderful, I have to email it to my friend Lisa far far away. When I have something new and awful, I can’t find anybody to help me figure out what would fix it. I might eventually figure it out on my own, but it would be so good to have a workshop partner.

I’m going to a poetry reading next Monday night to try to see what might develop—maybe I’ll meet somebody. But it’s worse than dating. You can’t just walk up to somebody and say, hello, “I want to be a famous poet, but first I need a workshop partner. What are your qualifications?” I need somebody who’s also not a student, but not finished developing as a writer either. Somebody who lives nearby and is willing to take time to meet regularly. It’d be great to find somebody else with kids—or at least a solidly grown up life that doesn’t involve a fantasy about reading poetry in smoky bars. I actually went online to this Meetup.com place to see if I could find any local poetry groups—and since apparently the local poets around here are also into Satanism, I guess I’ll pass on those.

Maybe it’s telling that I’m looking for a workshop partner and not a teacher. I keep thinking too about my teachers in college. The smoky bar school of poetry must be really well established, since they were all hanging out there, as were all their characters. For a long time I thought I would never be able to write anything worth anything because I don’t drink and don’t like bars—so what subjects were left? What a relief it was to discover poets like Linda Pastan and Sharon Olds and Eavan Boland. The newest issue of Southern Poetry Review had poems by Linda Pastan and Susan Ludvigson and Kathryn Kirkpatrick—I wish my poem had been in that issue.

In the meantime, I’m revising my book-length manuscript and trying to decide whether to send it out a bit. I’ve been concentrating on my chapbook, since I feel pretty confident it’s very nicely finished, while the book still has some rough poems in it and I don’t think the structure is quite complete. And I guess we’ll see what happens at the poetry reading. It’s definitely a slow process.

But one good thing about my poor beleaguered husband, sadly reading poems at gun point: he thinks eventually I’ll reach poetic fame, since a great poet must suffer—and, he added, since I’m married to him, I’m guaranteed to suffer enough. Maybe he has a point.


Star Trek and Le Guin in Las Vegas

I am all flustered this morning because I’m supposed to be grading papers, but I had an email first thing when I came in about a new book of Ursula Le Guin’s (which turned out disappointingly enough to be a reprint), so I browsed on over to her website to see what’s up in Le Guin world. She’s going to be on sabbatical this year for her seventy-fifth birthday—I hope when I’m seventy-five I will still be writing and writing well. But she’s taking a little time from her sabbatical to be the guest of honor at the Science Fiction Research Association conference this summer, which will be in Las Vegas.

Well, Las Vegas is also the home of the Star Trek Experience (which I’d link to except the site doesn’t seem to be working today): sort of a museum, sort of a bar, like a set for the show—basically a place for Star Trek whackos like me to hang out and indulge our fondest fantasies that we too are boldly going where no one has gone before (yes, I like the gender friendly Star Trek, thank you very much).

It’s just too much for me. I think only the combination of Ursula Le Guin and Star Trek could ever induce me to set foot in Las Vegas. I’ve spent the morning shopping for plane tickets and trying to figure out who could take care of the kids—because Chris is going to be in St. Petersburg for a professional development workshop for the new International Baccalaureate class he’ll be teaching next year at the same week as this conference. The tickets are too expensive right now, or otherwise I swear I think I would’ve already bought them (but I know I can get to LA for cheaper than $400). And once I finished that, you won’t believe it, but I quickly pulled together a conference proposal out of a paper I’ve got about half done on Le Guin and sent it to the conference organizer—a month late. I am not kidding. Wild horses couldn’t normally make me do something like that. But I have got to go to Las Vegas this June.

We’ll see what the conference organizer things (probably that I have lost what little bit of mind I ever had left). And in the meantime, I guess I’ll walk over and check my mail so I can calm down enough to grade papers. What a day this is shaping up to be.