
The Wild West and panic attacks

I am busy having my pre-Las Vegas anxiety attack. Not only am I going out to the wild west for that science fiction conference by myself next month, but I waited really late to book my flight because they were so cheap before… but prices were creeping up, so now I’ve bought my ticket for more than I budgeted and I have a red-eye flight. Evidently I am supposed to land in Charlotte at 6:10 in the morning and drive home without killing anybody on the way. Hm. Don’t know how likely that is. This is the price of procrastination, evidently.

Then I called to get my hotel reservation settled too—but really did have a panic attack when I read off my debit card number and the gentleman told me it was an invalid number. Nothing like wondering where all your money has gone. Fortunately that’s settled, but I’m still having residual adrenaline. I should probably go for a walk. Whew.